Reduce your stress levels, become a better parent, and feel like yourself again...


The Autism Parent's Self-Care Blueprint:Ā 

Revitalize and Thrive

I want to feel like ME again!

Your needs as an autism parent matter.

Yet they're usually not part of the conversation aboutĀ the care and support your autistic child gets...

By the time your child gets an autism diagnosis, you're probably:


šŸ˜“ Stressed outĀ 


šŸ˜“ Majorly sleep deprived


šŸ˜Ÿ Worried about the future


šŸ˜© Totally overwhelmed


And struggling...big time.

And that's just before you get the diagnosis!


Then you're thrown into the deep end of the pool without a life jacket.

Dealing with therapies, tons of appointments, the never-ending paperwork, fighting insurance companies (and sometimes your local school district), to get your child the care and support they deserve.

All while you try to be the parent you wanted to be...and the parent your child needs you to be.

I get it, because I lived it.


And trust me, there is a better way!

Here's what autism parents just like you are saying after usingĀ The Autism Parent's Self-Care Blueprint:
Revitalize and Thrive!

Emily B.Ā 

"For so many years I felt like I was barely able to tread water. This guide is exactly what I needed during those early years of overwhelm. And now, 15 years into my unique parenting path, Revitalize and Thrive showed me ways where I can still take better care of myself."

Lee Ann M.

"I use the Revitalize and Thrive Bundle to help me get ideas for self-care, but also to make a plan for daily times to do my self-care.Ā It has madeĀ getting self-care easier andĀ less stressful. Plus, it helps me take care of myself...even on my busiest days."

Christie A.Ā 

"You truly can't fill your children's cup when yours is empty! Revitalize and ThriveĀ helped me to make a plan of what I needed in order to fill my cup, so that I can thrive and my children can have a mother who is less stressed, calmer and has more to give to them because I took care of myself."Ā 

After 14 years of raising two autistic kiddos,
IĀ know autism parenting is a rocky adventure...


but it can also be beautiful - if you have the right mindset.

The problem is most self-care advice, and practically all parenting advice, just isn't designed for autism parents!


And when we do what the "experts" tell us to do to feel better, we often feel worse than when we started!

That's why I created The Revitalize and Thrive Bundle! It's your first step in getting the self-care you actually need.

Are you ready to feel like yourself again...and become a better parent in the process?


Revitalize and ThriveĀ will help you...

Get the self-care you need in as little as 5 minutes a matter what else is going on in your life.

Feel refreshed, revitalized, and recharged so you can be the best version of yourself for you, your child, and your family.

Transform your feelings of sadness, overwhelm, and loneliness into gratitude, acceptance, and love.

I want to feel better NOW!

Rachel M.

We all know what itā€™s like to be in the trenches of day-to-day parenting- especially with additional challenges on our plate. Karen offers practical and easy-to-use solutions that can help when weā€™re in the thick of chaos and canā€™t see the forest for the trees. You know those simple things we sometimes FORGET we can do when weā€™re feeling stuck? Theyā€™re all right here, in a neat, guided compilation coming from a mom who GETS exactly what Iā€™m going through.

Your Copy of Revitalize and Thrive is Available Immediately!

The Autism Parent's Self-Care Blueprint: Revitalize and Thrive


save $10!

šŸ“’ 30-Day Self-Care Blueprint

āœ… Three Self-Care Checklists

šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø Over 150+ prompts, meditations, and affirmations

šŸ’œ FREE Membership in theĀ Self-Care Support Squad

šŸ™Œ Weekly email support to help you get the self-care you deserve

I deserve to feel happy, refreshed, and joyful again!

Got questions?

Hey...I'm Karen!

I'm a Neurospicy Autism Mom, and I am ridiculously dedicated to helping other autism parents get the self-care they need, in 5 minutes a day or less.

And, I'm building the community for autism parents I wish I had when I started this journey so many years ago...and I want you in it with me!

It may not always be easy, but autism parenting doesn't have to be so hard. Or so lonely.

Welcome to the Out Of Your Ordinary family...I'm glad you're here with me!

Ā Ready to get the self-care you deserve?

I'm saying YES to self-care success!

Still not sure?

Before you click away, please watch this video! You deserve to get the self-care you need, and your child deserves a healthy, happy parent. TheĀ Revitalize and ThriveĀ bundle helps you do both.

The impact is worth far more than $27. And the consequences of not caring for yourself will cost you much, much more...