The Self-Care Shortcut Every Autism Parent Needs

Parenting an Autistic Child Is Hard.

Self-Care Doesn’t Have to Be.

You’re doing everything for your child—but who’s taking care of you? The Thrive in 5! SOS Toolkit is designed to help overwhelmed  parents recharge, reset, and rediscover themselves in just 5 minutes a day.

What you’ll discover inside…

  • Feel calmer and more in control, even on the hardest days.
  • Start building habits that boost your energy and resilience.
  • Show up for your child as the confident, patient parent you want to be.
  • Model self-care and emotional strength for your kids, creating lifelong benefits.
  • Find small but powerful ways to prioritize yourself without guilt.


Ready to care for yourself so you can feel better, parent better, and thrive?


Download your free Thrive-in-5 SOS Toolkit today!

Hey, I'm Karen!

A Neurospicy Autism Mom & Resilience Coach for Neurodivergent and Autism Parents

Raising an autistic child can be challenging. Trust me, I know! I've been at this for 15+ years. I also know finding time for yourself can feel impossible, and self-care is often the last thing we think about...but it's the first thing we need!

That's why I created The Thrive in 5! SOS Toolkit to help you get the self-care you need in 5 minutes a day, or less.

Because you deserve to feel your best. And your child deserves to have a happy, healthy parent.

Simple self-care ideas that work

for neurodivergent and autism parents!

Download your free Thrive-in-5! SOS Toolkit today. 

You deserve this.

And so does your family.