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Everyday Wins in Autism Parenting: Navigating Progress with Gratitude | NeurOrdinary Podcast: 017

Hey there! Welcome to the NeurOrdinary podcast. I'm your host, Karen, a mom to two amazingly autistic kiddos. In this episode, we're diving deep into the theme of gratitude and celebrating the small wins. 


As autism parents, we know that our journey can be challenging and overwhelming at times. ...

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Navigating Online Communities: How to Spot a Good Autism Parents Group

Connecting with other parents who share similar experiences can be invaluable when raising an autistic child. Online communities provide a platform to seek support, share insights, and build relationships. 


But it's important to ensure you join a reputable and supportive autism parents group…the...

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The Judgment Battle: Tips for Autism Parents to Maintain Inner Strength

Being a parent is a challenging journey. And parenting an autistic child often brings its own unique set of difficulties. Unfortunately, along with the daily challenges, autism parents often face judgment and criticism from others who may not fully understand the realities of our situation…and that ...

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Shattering Stigmas: Empowering Autism Parents in the Face of Judgment

Sadly, judgment seems like it’s just part of parenting these days…but when you’re raising an autistic child, the judgment is often taken to a whole new level. 


This article shows you how to navigate the challenges you face as an autism parent, and gives you nine ideas and suggestions to help you...

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Beyond Burnout: Discover the 7 Types of Rest Crucial for Autism Parents

Parenting an autistic child can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Autism parents often find themselves juggling various responsibilities and can easily become overwhelmed and burnt out. 


To sustain their well-being and continue providing the best care ...

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Unlock Your Inner Strength: Empowering Autism Parents Through Self-Care Coaching

5 Ways Self-Care Coaching Can Help You Thrive


I've developed an approach to self-care coaching that empowers parents and caregivers to support their child(ren) in achieving success in school, at home, and in life. This is an approach to supporting kids and families with autism that has worked ve...

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Happily Homeschooling: 10 Tips for Parents of Autistic Children

Homeschooling my autistic children is hands down one of the best choices I've ever made. While it hasn't always been easy, I believe allowing them the flexibility to be themselves and to learn and grow at their own pace has been a huge part of helping them (and me) thrive.


Here are my Top 10 Tip...

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5 Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing an Autism Parenting Coach

When it comes to getting support for your autistic child, there are tons of options out there. But when you as the parent of an autistic kid need some help, things get a little trickier...


You may have considered hiring an autism parent coach, and that's a great option! But before you agree to w...

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What is Therapy Unschooling?

Could it be the right fit for your family?


If you’re looking for a non-confrontational alternative to traditional schooling, the idea of unschooling might sound right up your alley. 


And when you have an autistic child you’re homeschooling, this path offers you a wonderful option...the abili...

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Flexibility and Routine: Finding Balance When Homeschooling an Autistic Child

Homeschooling an autistic child requires a flexible approach. It means managing a schedule, a curriculum, and a lifestyle that allows an autistic child to thrive.


The question that I receive the most from people is “How can I homeschool my child when they're autistic…I’m not a special education ...

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