5 Benefits of Hiring an Autism Parent Coach You May Not Have Thought About
You might not have thought about hiring an autism parent coach. After all, you’re doing your best to raise your autistic child, and you may already feel stretched thin with time, energy, and money...
No matter what’s going on for you and your autistic child, if you feel like you’re struggling, an autism parent coach can guide you through the process of helping yourself in ways that can make a world of difference.
In today's article, we'll discuss why hiring an autism parent coach may be a good move for you and your family, and I'll reveal five benefits you may not have thought about. Let’s dive in!
Why hire an autism parent coach?
There are plenty of reasons to hire an autism parent coach. They could help you deal with the many hurdles you may face when raising an autistic child, assist you in understanding the condition better, and help you work towards setting and achieving any number of goals.
While a coach is not a therapist, they can help you work through the situations that arise in your daily life and help you find solutions to the challenges you face. In addition, if you work with someone who is also an autism parent, like me, you have access to all their “been there, done that” knowledge that will help you navigate your situation with confidence and certainty.
What does an autism parent coach offer parents?
While parents often seek out the best autism treatment centers and therapists for their child(ren), they also need support and guidance for themselves. That's why my coaching program focuses on self-care, including meditation practices, so you can consistently show up as the best version of yourself.
I believe when parents are supported, it leads to better outcomes for not only them but their children as well! All too often, parents' needs are forgotten in the race to get our kids the services and support they need. It leads to all sorts of issues and imbalances within the family dynamic that can have lasting repercussions for years to come...
You and your family deserve better than that! So what exactly can an autism parent coach offer you and your family?!
5 benefits of hiring an autism parent coach.
I may be biased, but the benefits are practically unlimited. These are the top five things I see with my clients after we work together:
- They feel like themselves again. It can be easy to lose yourself in the chaos of parenting an autistic child, especially in the early years. It’s really nice to remember who you are and what you love about yourself.
- They improve their relationship with their child(ren). It’s hard trying to hug a porcupine, and some days our kids can get a little prickly. While it’s not always easy, it doesn’t have to be so hard. Working with a self-care autism parent coach can help you fill your own cup so that it becomes easier to feel supported and happy, no matter what’s going on with your child(ren). And this doesn’t just go for your autistic children! If you’re parenting neurodiverse and neurotypical children, finding your center and balancing all your familial relationships is a huge benefit to coaching!
- Their health improves. Stress is a killer, full stop! And parents of autistic kids face a lot of stress, from many different angles. Getting a handle on your stress levels helps to improve health outcomes, and is one of the most impactful results of working with a self-care coach.
- Their response to stressful situations is temporary. This ties in with #3. My clients typically reduce their stress levels significantly, and also have shorter-lasting episodes of acute stress, especially after challenging experiences (like your child having a massive meltdown at the grocery store). They don’t stay stuck in the cycle of repeating the stressful event over and over, which can be both a symptom of and trigger for stress disorders like PTSD or C-PTSD.
- They feel confident about the future. There are no guarantees in life, and it can fill your mind and your days to wonder about what life will be like for your child and yourself in the future. Will they be independent? Will they need support their whole lives? Who will care for them if something happens to you?! While nothing will ever take away that fear of “What if” from your life, many of my clients feel significantly better about themselves and their future after we work together.
How can an autism parent coach help me?
Autism parents benefit greatly from having the time and space to connect with their needs, wants, and frustrations.
Do you often feel isolated and alone because of the challenges you face?
Do you want to be understood, heard, and have your concerns taken seriously, but aren’t sure where to go for that?
Working with a parent coach that understands and supports your needs could be the solution you’ve been looking for. An autism parent coach could be the person who helps you manage the daily stresses of raising your autistic child.
To successfully raise autistic children, or any child with additional needs, parents need to work together. Having a self-care parent coach in your corner who knows what it’s like to parent an autistic child can be a vital part of your self-care success plan.
Not only do I understand the challenges you face because I’ve lived them, I can help you overcome them. You need someone who understands the unique challenges your family lives with and can help you find ways to address them. You deserve to have that kind of support in your life!
If you'd like my support on your autism parenting journey, contact me here. I'd love to help you become an Empowered and Engaged Autism Parent as you become the best version of yourself.