9 Tips For Fitting Private Therapies for Your Autistic Child into Your Weekly Schedule
Many parents find themselves trying to balance the demands of work, family, and home life while caring for an autistic child. Some of us find ourselves spending too much time worrying about our child(ren), and not enough time interacting with them…when do you ever get to just be a parent?!
If you’re anything like me, you probably find yourself constantly wondering if what you’re doing is good enough, if what you’re doing is right for your child, or if you should do something completely different…
And a lot of this frustration and worry is because of one thing: your therapy schedule!
Do you find it difficult to fit private therapies for your autistic child into your weekly schedule? You're not alone! In this article, I show you how to get your child the therapy they need, and hold onto your sanity!
Create a Dedicated Therapy Calendar
Set up a centralized therapy calendar to track all therapy sessions and related activities. Whether it's a physical wall calendar or a digital calendar app, ensure that the entire family has access to the schedule. Include session dates, times, duration, and any additional notes or reminders.
Prioritize Regular and Consistent Sessions
Consistency is crucial when it comes to therapy for autistic children. Work with your therapist to establish a regular schedule that accommodates your child's needs and ensures their engagement and progress. Aim for the same day(s) and time(s) each week to establish a routine.
Also, don’t feel like you have to do all the therapies at once! It’s ok to prioritize whichever you feel will help the most at the time. And it’s also ok to take therapeutic breaks when you need them.
Allow for Flexibility and Adjustments
While consistency is important, it's equally crucial to be flexible when unexpected events arise. Make sure to discuss options for rescheduling or adjusting sessions in advance with your therapist. Be proactive in finding alternatives to ensure your child receives the necessary support even when unexpected changes occur.
Work With The School District to Make a Plan...
Or give homeschooling a try! Either way, be sure that you have a clear routine set up so your school-aged child is also getting the educational time they need. It's up to you to determine which takes priority for your child and your family, school or therapy...you can read more about how to help make that decision by reading this article.
Prepare for Sessions in Advance
Help your child get ready for therapy sessions by creating a pre-session routine. This routine may involve activities that help them transition smoothly, such as setting up a quiet space, engaging in calming exercises, or discussing what to expect during the session. By preparing in advance, you can create a positive and focused atmosphere for therapy. Snacks might help! No one wants to go to therapy hangry.
Involve Your Child in Scheduling Decisions
Autistic children often respond well to having a sense of control and involvement in their own routines. When appropriate, involve your child in scheduling decisions, such as choosing preferred session times or discussing any conflicts they may have. This level of participation can empower them and increase their engagement in therapy.
Collaborate with Other Caregivers
If your child has multiple caregivers, ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding therapy schedules and goals. Foster open communication among family members, teachers, or any other individuals involved in your child's care. This collaboration will create a consistent support system and provide a holistic approach to their therapy.
Seek Parent Support Groups or Communities
Connecting with other parents who have autistic children can provide a wealth of information and support. Join local or online parent support groups to exchange experiences, gain insights, and discover valuable resources related to managing therapy schedules. These communities can be a source of guidance and encouragement throughout your journey.
Regularly Evaluate and Adjust
Periodically assess the effectiveness of your therapy schedule and make adjustments as needed. Evaluate your child's progress, consider feedback from the therapist, and discuss any concerns or ideas with them.
Remember that therapy is an ongoing process, and adapting to your child's changing needs is essential for their continued growth. Therapy also has to work for the entire family...don't allow your child's needs to become the sole focus for the family! It is a balancing act but your needs matter too, and so do those of other family members.
As autism parents, we often face the same challenges that other families do: balancing the needs of everyone in our family, all while trying to maintain our social and professional relationships. For us, that includes finding ways to manage therapy and doctor's appointments.
While this may mean we often don’t have as much free time as other families do, it's on us to find creative ways to fit in the therapy sessions our kids need.
Having a hard time managing therapies with your kids’ school schedule?! I’ve dedicated an entire series of articles about the US educational and therapy systems and how they relate to autistic children.
The last article in the series will be published on June 11, 2023…check back then to get all the information you need to make the best decisions for your autistic child.
In the meantime, drop a comment below and let me know…how do you manage your therapy schedule? I’d love to know what’s working for your family.