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From Overwhelm to Empowerment: Discovering Your Limits as an Autism Parent

Parenting an autistic child can bring incredible love, joy, and fulfillment…but it also comes with unique challenges that sometimes feel overwhelming. 


As an autism parent, it's crucial to recognize and understand your limits to avoid burnout and find your path to empowerment. In this article, w...

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From Judgment to Empathy: Nurturing Understanding as an Autism Parent

Being an autism parent comes with its unique set of joys and challenges. 


From navigating the maze of therapies and interventions to advocating for your child's needs, it's a journey that requires compassion, patience, and a deep understanding of autism.


In this article, we'll explore the tr...

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Redefining Success: Embracing Your Unique Path as an Autism Parent

As an autism parent, you are on a remarkable journey that requires resilience, love, and a deep understanding of your child's unique needs. 


In this article, we'll explore the concept of success and how embracing your own unique path can lead to a fulfilling and rewarding experience as an autism...

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Pathological Demand Avoidance in Autistic Children: What Autism Parents Need to Know

Does it ever feel like your autistic child just doesn’t want to do anything you ask them to do? Have they been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder? 


If so, I’d like to introduce you to what is probably a more accurate diagnosis for them: PDA which stands for Pathological Demand Avoidanc...

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Energy on Demand: 7 Quick Fixes for Exhausted Autism Parents

Parenting an autistic child comes with unique challenges that can drain your energy both physically and mentally. Autism parents must take care of themselves. Sometimes, that means finding ways to boost their energy levels in a way that will ensure they don’t end up having an energy crash later. 


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Your Ultimate Guide to Boundaries as an Autism Parent: Taking Care of Yourself While Caring for Your Child

As parents, it's our job to be attentive, caring, and patient with our children. Sometimes, though, we're so focused on giving them what they need, we lose sight of ourselves. We put them first, which is fine, for a short time, as long as we aren't neglecting ourselves. 


If you have an autistic ...

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Parenting with Presence: Harnessing the Benefits of Daily Awareness Meditation for Autism Parents

Daily meditation has a long list of scientifically proven benefits, including:

  • Reduced stress levels
  • Increased emotional health
  • Decreased feelings of anxiety

Sounds exactly like what autism parents need…right!?

This meditation is designed for daily use, or whenever you need a few moments...

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Reclaim Your Identity: Nurturing Your Passions Outside of 'Autism Mom' Duties

As autism moms learn about the complexities of navigating the disability system, and getting their child(ren) the support they need, they often find themselves pulled away from their own passions and identity…


As a mom, I’ve spent the last 13+ years navigating the world of “special needs parenti...

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Revitalize and Recharge: Making Self-Care a Priority as an Autism Parent

As an autism parent, managing your responsibilities and keeping yourself healthy and happy can be challenging, to say the least...


There are some days I feel so drained it seems there’s nothing left inside me to give. 


I get tired of the constant emotional and physical demands placed on me. ...

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