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The Judgment Battle: Tips for Autism Parents to Maintain Inner Strength

Being a parent is a challenging journey. And parenting an autistic child often brings its own unique set of difficulties. Unfortunately, along with the daily challenges, autism parents often face judgment and criticism from others who may not fully understand the realities of our situation…and that ...

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Parenting Autistic Kids When You Don't Have Family Support | NeurOrdinary Podcast 003

As a parent of not one, but two autistic children, I know firsthand the challenges that come with navigating the parenting journey without the support of immediate family. 


Hi, I'm Karen, the host of NeurOrdinary, a podcast dedicated to discussing the unique experiences of parenting autistic chi...

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Navigating Emotional Turbulence: Supporting Autism Parents with Post-Meltdown Meditation

If you’re parenting an autistic child, then meltdowns are a part of your life. Sure, we do our best to help our kids avoid having them. But sadly, they’re part of our children’s lives and our parenting journey.

While meltdowns are always hardest on the person who is experiencing them directly, t...

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The Top 5 Hurdles Autism Parents Face and How You Can Overcome Them | NeurOrdinary Podcast 002

As a parent of two autistic children, I understand the hurdles that autism parents face on a daily basis. In this episode of NeurOrdinary Podcast, we’ll talk about the top five challenges that autism parents encounter and provide strategies to overcome them.


Everyone’s autism parenting journey b...

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Anger and Autism Parenting…It's OK to Admit You Have Feelings!

Parenting an autistic child is a journey filled with immense love, joy, and triumphs. But let's be honest - it can also be challenging, overwhelming, and even infuriating at times...just like I imagine parenting neurotypical children would be, too! 


It’s perfectly normal to experience anger whil...

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From Anger to Empathy: Cultivating Emotional Resilience with Anger Releasing Meditation for Autism Parents

One topic that often isn’t addressed is the anger that can come from parenting an autistic child. There are many reasons why this parenting journey can cause you to feel feelings of frustration that can easily turn into anger…I’ve been there! And I’m not here to judge…I am here to offer support.

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Why I Became an Autism Parent Self-Care Coach | NeurOrdinary Podcast 001

In the very first episode of The NeurOrdinary Podcast, we delve into a powerful and overlooked aspect of the autism journey…the well-being of parents and caregivers. 


Join me as I share my personal experiences, valuable insights, and practical strategies to create a positive impact on autism fam...

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Nurturing Self-Care: Body Scan Meditation to Support Parents of Autistic Children

As autism parents, we deal with stress levels that are often shockingly high! And we often store that stress and tension not just in our minds, but also in our bodies.

This guided meditation will help you relieve stress and release tension wherever you’re holding onto it inside your body. Once y...

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Waiting for Answers: Productive Steps to Take While Waiting for an Autism Evaluation

Waiting for a child’s autism evaluation can be an anxious and uncertain time for parents…you know something is going on for your child, but aren’t quite sure what it may be.


Some parents find this “Wait Time Blues” period to be the most frustrating of all in their journey as autism parents. You’...

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Visualizing Possibilities: The Benefits of Visualization Meditation for Parents of Autistic Children

Ever feel like you could just get away for a bit and reset the thoughts that your brain is pumping out?! I mean, who hasn’t wished for a random vacation in the middle of the hard days?

While you may not be able to leave your daily life and fly off to some remote Island in the South Pacific to be...

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