Navigating Emotional Turbulence: Supporting Autism Parents with Post-Meltdown Meditation

meditations self care what kind of parent do you want to be?
Guided Meditation Autism Parents

If you’re parenting an autistic child, then meltdowns are a part of your life. Sure, we do our best to help our kids avoid having them. But sadly, they’re part of our children’s lives and our parenting journey.

While meltdowns are always hardest on the person who is experiencing them directly, they can be pretty hard on you as the caregiver as well.

That’s why I created this 7-minute guided meditation to help you release the feelings of sadness, overwhelm, and frustration that comes from witnessing your child struggle through a meltdown.

You can release stress and get back to a place of calm sooner, as you focus on reconnecting with your child. Holding onto stress is one of the leading ways we create an unsustainable level of tension in our lives…to quote a famous Disney Princess I hope your child isn’t obsessed with, you have to “Let it go, let it goooooooo!”

So, bookmark this page. And the next time your child has a meltdown, once you get them safe and situated, grab your headphone and come back to practice this tiny bit of self-care…it’ll make your recovery process so much easier. And in case no one told you, you deserve that. 💜


You should consult with a qualified healthcare professional or therapist for any specific needs or concerns related to your or your child's health and well-being.

This meditation is not intended to replace professional medical or therapeutic advice. If you have any concerns, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional or therapist for personalized guidance.
May you and your child find peace and happiness on your unique journey.

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