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Gratitude Meditation: Nurturing Self-Care for Autism Parents

Do you ever stop to think how grateful you are for your autistic child, and all the wonderful things they bring to your life?  

I do. And this simple practice has been one of the most transformative things I’ve ever done! My children and I have a much better relationship. They both get along bet...

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Navigating the Emotional Journey: Grieving After an Autism Diagnosis

Receiving an autism diagnosis for your child can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. It's natural for parents to grieve the loss of the life they'd envisioned for themselves and their child(ren). It’s normal to feel a range of emotions as you embark on this new parenting journey. 


In th...

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"Is My Kid Autistic?” Recognizing the Signs and Seeking an Autism Evaluation

As parents, it's natural to have concerns about our children's development and well-being. It’s hard to know what’s normal, and what might be a reason to talk to your pediatrician…


But if you find yourself asking, "Is my kid autistic?" you must speak to your pediatrician about your concerns, soo...

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The Judgment Battle: Tips for Autism Parents to Maintain Inner Strength

Being a parent is a challenging journey. And parenting an autistic child often brings its own unique set of difficulties. Unfortunately, along with the daily challenges, autism parents often face judgment and criticism from others who may not fully understand the realities of our situation…and that ...

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Parenting Autistic Kids When You Don't Have Family Support | NeurOrdinary Podcast 003

As a parent of not one, but two autistic children, I know firsthand the challenges that come with navigating the parenting journey without the support of immediate family. 


Hi, I'm Karen, the host of NeurOrdinary, a podcast dedicated to discussing the unique experiences of parenting autistic chi...

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Autism 101 For Parents: What You Need to Know About Comorbid Conditions

I once had a therapist refer to her autistic child as an “onion child.” 


The more they worked with their care team, the more “layers” they found. The more time the child spent with their providers, the more diagnoses they got. And the more the family discovered all the different and interconnect...

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Language Delays and Speech Issues in Autistic Children: A Guide for Autism Parents

Communication is an essential skill. 


When it comes to children on the autism spectrum, getting your child to a place of consistent and reliable communication may require some extra support and guidance, along with some flexibility. 


In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of langu...

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Navigating Emotional Turbulence: Supporting Autism Parents with Post-Meltdown Meditation

If you’re parenting an autistic child, then meltdowns are a part of your life. Sure, we do our best to help our kids avoid having them. But sadly, they’re part of our children’s lives and our parenting journey.

While meltdowns are always hardest on the person who is experiencing them directly, t...

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The Dynamic Duo: Understanding ADHD and Autism in Children and How to Best Support Them

Ever feel like you need to be a Superhero to manage your autistic child’s ADHD?


Today, we're diving into the dynamic duo of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and autism in children. These neurodevelopmental conditions often coexist, presenting unique challenges and opportunities fo...

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AFRID and Feeding Issues in Autistic Children: An Autism Parent's Guide

One of the most challenging diagnoses to deal with in autistic children is AFRID, or Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. This goes way beyond just “picky eating” and can become a life-threatening condition.


To make matters worse, it is a poorly understood disorder that everyone seems to h...

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