Homeschooling can seem like a daunting task, especially for parents of autistic children. But if you’re willing to be flexible with how you work with your child/student, you can enjoy all the benefits of homeschooling without the hassles of a formal public school education.
One of the easiest ways to get your autistic child excited about learning is to incorporate their special interests into your curriculum!
For example, if your kiddo loves Minecraft, you can find ways to create a reading program, math, science, and social studies all around the Minecraft theme. Since the rise of homeschooling options that occurred during and after the pandemic, there are even more resources available to help you tie in your child’s special interest into their daily learning goals.
In this article, I’ll give you ten simple reasons why incorporating your kiddo’s “special interest” into your homeschool day could be the key to unlocking their educational potential, and setting them up for success as an adult.
Increased Engagement
Incorporating special interests into homeschooling for autistic children boosts engagement by tapping into their passions and providing meaningful learning experiences.
Personalized Learning
Tailoring education around special interests allows for a customized curriculum that caters to the unique strengths and abilities of autistic children.
Motivation and Enthusiasm
Special interests serve as powerful motivational tools, encouraging autistic children to actively participate in their homeschooling journey.
Skill Development
Exploring special interests helps develop a wide range of skills, including research, critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
Natural Learning Opportunities
Special interests provide natural avenues for learning, allowing autistic children to acquire knowledge and skills in a context that genuinely interests them.
Positive Self-Identity
Incorporating special interests into homeschooling nurtures a positive self-identity by celebrating autistic children's strengths and passions.
Emotional Well-being
Engaging in special interests fosters a sense of happiness, fulfillment, and emotional well-being, promoting a positive learning environment.
Communication and Social Skills
Special interests can facilitate communication and social interaction, as autistic children often feel more comfortable discussing topics they are passionate about.
Building Confidence
Mastery of subjects related to special interests boosts self-confidence and empowers autistic children to take ownership of their learning.
Future Opportunities
Exploring special interests during homeschooling can lay the foundation for future career paths, hobbies, and areas of expertise!
Indulging my kids’ special interests is one of my favorite parts of being a parent, and homeschooling them. I have to say it’s pretty fun watching my kids discover what they love to do and learn at the same time.
Allowing them to choose what they do each day enables us to all enjoy our homeschool days together...mostly. But what really helps is making sure I’m sane and balanced.
If you’re homeschooling and parenting an autistic kid (or two, or three, or more…), self-care isn’t just an “it’d be nice” afterthought to your day, it’s essential! More than anyone you deserve time to rest and recharge.
Click here to get your free copy of "7 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Stress: A Guide for Parents of Autistic Children."
It’s filled with tried-and-true, self-care methods that help you avoid the afternoon “break” in the bathroom scarfing down chocolate from your hidden candy stash or scrolling endlessly on your phone because you’re just not in the mood to parent (or homeschool)...contrary to my former personal beliefs, that is not self-care, and you deserve more.