9 Ways to Help Twice Exceptional Kids Thrive
One of the most difficult challenges parents of twice-exceptional kids face today is how to best support their children. While their children may have no trouble excelling academically, they often struggle socially, emotionally, and in other ways.
In the following article, you’ll learn about 9 strategies that have proven effective at helping 2E kids thrive.
What is 2E, exactly?!
Discovering and nurturing the incredible potential of twice-exceptional (2E) children is a remarkable journey. These children possess a rare combination of academic giftedness and some type of learning difference, like ADHD, dyslexia, and/or autism. This creates a unique set of challenges and opportunities for their growth.
Now that we know more about 2E kids, let’s jump into my nine top tips for ways to help them thrive.
Understand Their Dual Nature
The first step in supporting 2E children is to truly comprehend and appreciate their dual identities. Educate yourself about both giftedness and autism, recognizing the nuances and implications of these characteristics. By understanding their exceptionalities, you can tailor your approach and interventions accordingly.
Foster a Strengths-Based Approach
Emphasize and celebrate the unique strengths and talents of 2E children. Identify their areas of brilliance and provide opportunities for them to explore and excel in their domains of interest. By nurturing their passions, you unlock their true potential and build their self-confidence.
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Collaborate with educators, therapists, and parents to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) tailored specifically to the needs of each 2E child. Ensure that their exceptional gifts and challenges are recognized and accommodated within the educational framework. Regularly reassess and adapt the plan as their needs evolve.
Sensory Support
Acknowledge and address sensory sensitivities commonly experienced by autistic 2E children. Create an environment that supports their sensory needs. Provide calming spaces, noise-canceling headphones, fidget tools, or other accommodations that facilitate their focus and comfort.
Executive Functioning Strategies
Develop executive functioning skills that aid 2E children in managing their time, organizing tasks, and regulating their emotions. Implement visual aids, schedules, checklists, and other tools that enhance their planning and decision-making abilities. Teach self-regulation techniques to help them navigate overwhelming situations.
Differentiated Instruction
Adopt a flexible and differentiated instructional approach that caters to both the academic giftedness and autism of 2E children. Offer challenging and intellectually stimulating content while providing additional support to address their social, emotional, and sensory needs. Personalize learning experiences to maximize engagement and growth, no matter if your child is in a classroom, or homeschooled.
Social and Emotional Support
Recognize and address the social and emotional challenges faced by 2E children. Encourage the development of social skills through peer interactions, group activities, and social-emotional learning programs. Foster an inclusive and accepting environment that values neurodiversity, promoting a sense of belonging.
Collaboration and Advocacy
Forge strong partnerships among parents, educators, therapists, and community members to advocate for the needs of your 2E child. Collaborate to ensure consistency and continuity of support across different settings. Advocate for appropriate accommodations, modifications, and resources that facilitate their academic and personal growth.
Help them cultivate a Growth Mindset.
Instill a growth mindset in 2E children, emphasizing the belief that their abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and resilience. Instead of praising them for their innate skills, talent, and intelligence, praise the effort they put into a task.
Encourage them to learn from their setbacks, and keep going even when things don’t come easily to them. Celebrate their progress and provide a nurturing environment that fosters continuous growth.
By embracing these 9 essential strategies, we can unlock the brilliance of twice-exceptional children and empower them to realize their full potential. Let us embark on this remarkable journey together, championing the unique strengths and gifts of these exceptional minds. The world awaits their extraordinary contributions!
I’ve dedicated an entire series of articles about the US educational system and how it relates to autistic students. The last article in the series will be published on June 11, 2023…check back then to get all the information you need to make the best education decisions for your autistic child.
In the meantime, drop a comment below and let me know…are you raising an autistic, twice-exceptional kid? I’d love to know what’s working best for them and your family.