In the world of school choice, autistic children's needs are an important part of the conversation. The benefits of allowing parents to choose the best schools (or homeschooling!) for their autistic kids are numerous…and they have life-long implications.
Read on to discover 3 reasons why school choice is beneficial for autistic children and their families.
What is School Choice?
School choice is a policy allowing students to attend schools outside their districts based on factors such as location, quality, and cost. Schools receive funding to assist low-income families, students with special needs, and other students who might otherwise not have access to a quality school. States and school districts have varying degrees of control over funding, and there is a high degree of variability between districts, states, and schools.
School choice is an issue that has been debated and discussed for years. The idea of school choice is fairly simple: provide parents with the ability to choose where their child goes to school.
However, there are a variety of ways that schools can be structured, and some may not be a good fit for all students. These differences between types of school systems create varying needs and opportunities for different families. This can be seen as a good thing, as parents have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of options, but it is important to remember that every student has unique needs. Parents must consider what they like about a certain school, how it can best serve their child’s needs, and what it can do for their child’s education.
Is School Choice helpful for autistic students?
With school choice, families are empowered to find a learning environment that suits each child’s needs. In addition, school choice allows for academic enrichment and social opportunities for children who are struggling in mainstream school settings. This can be very important, as many autistic children struggle with peer interactions and making friends.
School choice provides more opportunities for these children to interact with their peers. It also allows parents to choose among multiple options to find a school that best fits their child’s needs. Finally, school choice increases parent involvement in the education process, and that alone can have a significant impact on children’s educational outcomes.
3 reasons why School Choice may help autistic children...
As early intervention services continue to fail autistic children, parents who don't have access to quality education alternatives will become increasingly desperate to find the answer. And many of them will turn to the school choice movement.
Why should any child, but especially an autistic child, have to attend a public school that doesn’t have appropriate resources?
This is why school choice, including the right to homeschool our autistic children, is so important for kids on the autism spectrum.
There are three major reasons that school choice is important for our families…
1) All districts have limited resources, some are more severely limited. Because there are so many factors involved in providing adequate services for students on the spectrum, families need a place where they can turn for help.
2) We know our kids, and their needs, best. As parents, we should have as much control as we want over the educational environment our children grow up in. We should ensure our children are properly supervised, educationally challenged, supported through their learning differences, and treated with respect.
3) Over-stressed staff. Staff may find it hard to handle the demands of autistic students, and special education departments are usually small. If you have a challenging situation with the staff at your local school, moving to a new school, or choosing to homeschool may be the best option for your family.
What do parents of autistic kids need to know about School Choice?
We're all about helping our kids succeed in school, whether that means they're succeeding academically, socially, or emotionally. It's important to us that they feel accepted and included in their learning community.
We also want them to have access to a wide range of programs and activities so that they can flourish in whatever environment they end up in. Unfortunately, that can't happen if they aren't given opportunities to learn how to learn, especially in the early years of their education.
Parents need to know what their educational options are and work to ensure their child’s educational needs are met in the best way possible.
School Choice is a valuable way to provide autistic children with a better education, including the opportunity to interact with more peers in a more diverse environment that best supports their needs.
There are many different school choice systems and educational options available, and there is no one right answer for how to educate all autistic children…
That’s why I’ve dedicated an entire series of posts about the US educational system and how it relates to autistic students. The last article in the series will be published on June 11, 2023…check back then to get all the information you need to make the best education decisions for your autistic child.
In the meantime, drop a comment below and let me know…does your child attend your home district, do you use a charter or private school, or are you currently homeschooling? I’d love to know what’s working best for your family.